Limone - History
Limone was the stage for the battle between the army of the comuni (italian city states) and Federico Barbarossa, who was beaten right here. The town of Limone was the last town on the Brescian side of the lake, on the border between Austria and the Kingdom of Italy It was the subject of contention several times between the people of Brescia and the Counts of Arco, but in the 15th century it fell under the control of the Visconti and then later passed to the Republic of Venice. During the world wars there was strong rivalry between Limone and Riva del Garda, which both began smuggling goods and people. The town of Limone remained almost isolated until the 1940s when the Western Gardesana road was built, before that it could only be reached by boat, from the mountains or from the south. The opening of the road that led to Riva del Garda favoured the development of tourism.
Recent medical investigations have revealed that the blood of the residents of Limone contains apoprotein, a substance that protects against all types of arteriosclerosis. The founder of the Comboniani Order, Daniele Comboni was born in Limone in 1831.